Home | Objectives

The Specific Objectives to reach the overall project aim are:

  • O1 | Re-confirm the use-case KPIs to be achieved during the demonstration phase, qualify the candidate materials, and develop novel dissimilar material testing protocols.

  • O2 | Develop a first-of-a-kind hybrid manufacturing method for joining dissimilar metal-metal materials by building upon a combination of P-DED/PA and PBF (pathway 1 for achieving graded materials) and P-DED/LB and PBF (pathway 2 for achieving joined materials).

  • O3 | Develop a first-of-a-kind hybrid manufacturing method for joining dissimilar metal-polymer materials by building upon a combination of W-DED and POL-DED.

  • O4 | Upscale and demonstrate the two novel hybrid manufacturing technologies in relevant environment (TRL 6) as part of three use-cases (aerospace, marine, automotive) by manufacturing the three use-case parts and subjecting them to bespoke testing programmes according to standards of the respective industry.

  • O5 | Disseminate, exploit and communicate the project results, pave the way for technology commercialisation post-project.

Project Consortium

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